03 October 2015

Ode to summer

Summer 2015 has slipped away, almost overnight it seems. Two weeks ago we had 90 degree temperatures, but today it's about 48 degrees with winds and rain.

The good thing about this weather is that it forces one inside, something I haven't done in awhile. Every free moment when not working I was out in the garden or walking or on the deck. Working in an office 40+ hours a week does that to one. 

So on this rainy day I've been sorting through the photos I snapped throughout the summer weeks and revisited Photoshop while waiting for the laundry to finish. How exciting is that? Later today I'll throw a log or two on the fire and pull out my yarns and begin to sort out projects for the winter. 

Here are a few of my favorite shots from the garden -- I hope you enjoy!

hosta leaf


petals at dusk

vintage blossom


paintings by mgt said...

Nice to take that pause and catch up on what stays with us from the spring renewal through the summer flourishes.....refilling the well...
feeding the soul! thanks for sharing ;-)

Kelly M. said...

Thanks so much, Marianne! 'refilling the well' is so aptly put!